October 14, 2024 Berlin

2:00 pm Workfare Society & Economy

Solidarity in helping people to help themselves and empowering socially disadvantaged groups is the hallmark of conservative policymaking. Furthermore, it is paramount to enable broad sections of the population to participate in the workforce. It is the state's task to provide incentives for work and employment and to ensure equal opportunities.

The cornerstone of a successful economic strategy is a sustainable employment policy. The declared goal of conservative economic policy is to get as many people into employment as possible and realize Ludwig Erhard's guiding principle of "prosperity for all." A low tax and social security burden are key benchmarks of conservative policymaking. Following the principle "work must pay off," taxes on labor income must be socially acceptable and financially attractive.

Sohrab Ahmari

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Compact Magazine

Tamás Bernáth

Lecturer at MCC, Former CEO of Hungarian Development Bank

Prof. Dr. Michael Hüther

Director of the German Economic Institute (IW Köln)

Dr. Calum T. M. Nicholson

Director of Research, Danube Institute